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栎环鳞伞Descolea quercina

J. Khan & A. Naseer 2017


  • 通用中文名Chinese name:栎环鳞伞
  • 别称&俗称Othernames:栎圆头伞(陶欣2021)
  • 拉丁学名Scientific name:Descolea quercina J. Khan & A. Naseer 2017
  • 科Family:粪锈伞科Bolbitiaceae
  • 属Genus:环鳞伞属Descolea
  • 分布Distribution:*暂无信息*
  • 有分布的省区Provinces:湖北省(文献记载)
  • 查看具体分布情况
  • 生态Ecology:夏季单生、群生或散生于栎属Quercus物种林地上。
  • 营养类型Nutrition Mode:外生菌根共生Ectomycorrhizal
  • 置信指标Confidence:★★✩

我国样本: Descolea quercina 的子实体和显微特征
a-b:自然状态下的子实体;c:菌褶;d-e:菌柄和菌环;f:子实层;g:担子、囊状体和侧丝;h-i:孢子. 标尺:a-e = 3 cm; f = 20 μm; g-I = 10 μm




比较知名的黄环鳞伞D. flavoannulata上被同心圆状排列的丛毛状鳞片,辐射状褶皱(本种仅菌盖边缘具条纹),担孢子更大,12–16 × 8–9 µm(本种10.3–14 × 6.7–8.9µm *),除了生于栎属物种下还生于其他树种下。
普雷蒂环鳞伞D. pretiosa的菌盖被粗鳞片,担孢子更大,12–14.5 × 7–8 µm,表面的疣突不相连,生于针叶林。
Cortinarius majestaticus(=D. majestatica)的体型、颜色和孢子相似,但其菌盖表面黏滑无鳞片,担孢子更大,12.5–15 × 7–8 µm,杏仁形。





  1. Descolea quercina (Bolbitiaceae), a new species from moist temperate forests in Pakistan, 2017. Junaid Khan, Hassan Sher, Arooj Naseer, Abdul Nasir Khalid. MycoKeys 27(3):65-76    https://doi.org/10.3897/mycokeys.27.14730
  2. 后河国家级自然保护区大型真菌多样性, 2021. 陶欣. 南京师范大学 硕士学位论文    


  1. 后河国家级自然保护区大型真菌多样性, 2021. 陶欣. 南京师范大学 硕士学位论文    



描述1 描述来源:后河国家级自然保护区大型真菌多样性
栎圆头伞 Descolea quercina J. Khan & Naseer(图 3.1)MycoBank 号:MB820545
形态特征:菌盖直径 50-70 mm,表面呈水浸状,亮棕黄色至深棕黄色,微带橄榄色调,钟形至平展,中央明显突起,具有明显松散的鳞状丛毛至鳞状颗粒,鳞片略呈同心排列;菌肉与菌盖同色或稍浅,中央较厚;菌褶直生至附生,浅灰棕色至棕黄色,不等长,较均匀;菌柄 50-90×8-15 mm,上端较细,向基部变粗,淡棕黄色至深黄褐色,菌环上部光滑,浅黄褐色,菌环下部色稍深,纵向为纤维状;菌环上位,膜质,与菌柄同色或稍浅,表面具明显的纵条纹,背面稍有鳞片,边缘具附属物(图 3.1 a-e)。
担孢子(10-) 10.3-14 (-14.6)×(6.6-) 7.2-8.9 (-9.6) μm,Q = 1.4-2,梭形至柠檬形,两端较尖,粗疣状,疣状部分相连,具突出的光滑细尖,在 5%的 KOH 溶液中呈锈褐色;担子 25-40×8-12 μm,棍棒状;侧生囊状体 40-45×10-15 μm,宽棍棒状至棍棒状,褶缘囊状体与侧生囊状体相似;菌丝壁薄,圆柱形,存在锁状联合(图 3.1 f-i)。
模式标本产地:巴基斯坦 [168] 。
世界分布:巴基斯坦 [168] 。
采集地:后河国家级自然保护区,1334 m,110°34'5.1"N,30°4'24.5"E,2019 年6 月 26 日,羊子溪,HH 060100。

描述2 描述来源:Descolea quercina (Bolbitiaceae), a new species from moist temperate forests in Pakistan
Descolea quercina J. Khan & A. Naseer, sp. nov. MycoBank no: MB820545 Figures 3–5
Type. PAKISTAN. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Swat district, Malam Jabba valley, 1950 m alt., 25 July 2015, Junaid Khan, MJ-1590, (holotype: SWAT000135).
Diagnosis. Basidiomata medium to large, pileus convex to convex-campanulate with a broad umbo in young stages, light yellowish brown to deep yellowish brown, surface dry, hygrophanous, squamose to squamose-granulose with striate margin; ba-sidiospores limoniform, coarsely verrucose with partly concrescent verrucae.
Description. Pileus 50–70 mm diameter, convex to convex-campanulate with a broad umbo when young, plane to plano-concave by maturity, light yellowish brown (7.5YR 7/4) to deep yellowish brown (10YR 3/8) with or without olivaceous tinge, surface hygrophanous, squamose to squamose-granulose, scales more or less concentrically arranged, loose, disappearing in age, margin striate; context strong yellowish brown (10YR 5/8), moist, thicker at the center (2–3 mm), color un-changing upon cutting. Lamellae adnexed, close, light grayish brown (7.5YR 6/4) in young specimens, yellowish brown in mature specimens (7.5YR 7/4), lamellar edge even, lamellulae present, mostly 3 in number, rarely single, often crisped at terminals, some lamellae forking near the stipe. Stipe 50–70 × 8–12 mm, central, thickening towards base, light yellowish brown (7.5 YR 7/4) to strong yellowish brown (10YR 4/8) and smooth above the ring , yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) and longitudinally brillose below the annulus; annulus membranous, concolorous with the lamellae, strongly striate on the upper surface, smooth to slightly scaly below, margin appendiculate; context brous, interior hollow at the center, esh whitish above the annulus, yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) below, moist. Smell and taste rancid when cut.
Basidiospores (10–) 11.5–13 (–14) × (6.5–) 6.7–8.6 (–9) µm, Q = 1.4–1.7 (–1.9), Me = 12.0 × 7.9 µm, Qe = 1.5, limoniform, with prominent papilla, coarsely verru-cose, verrucae partly concrescent, with prominent smooth apiculus, perispore distinct, without germ-pore, plage smooth, rust brown in KOH. Basidia 25–40 × 8–12 µm, clavate, tetra-sterigmated, rarely bi sterigmated, sterigmata 3–5 µm long, with clamp connections at the bases. Cheilocystidia 40–45 × 10–15 µm, broadly clavate to clavate, some with acute apices 4–6 µm long. Pleurocystidia similar to cheilocystidia, lan-ceolate to clavate, some with sub-acute to sub-capitate apices, appendix longer (6–8 µm) than with cheilocystidia. Pileipellis a hymeniform layer, consisting of broadly clavate, clavate to fusiform elements, 20–25 × 10–20 µm, strongly encrusted with gold-en brown pigment. Hyphae of the universal veil thin walled, cylindrical, 3–6 µm in diameter, strongly encrusted with golden brown pigment, clamp connections present.
Known distribution. PAKISTAN, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, Swat district, Malam Jabba valley, Kishawra village. PAKISTAN Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Shangla district, Toa valley.
Ecology. Associated with Quercus species. Season July-August
Etymology. The epithet “quercina” refers to association of this taxon with Quercus species.
Conservation status. The species is very rare and is currently reported from two locations in the districts of Shangla and Swat in the northern areas of Khyber Pakh-tunkhwa province, Pakistan.
Additional specimens examined. Pakistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, Shangla district, Toa valley, 2000 m alt., among decomposing litter under Quercus incana, 15 July 2015, Arooj Naseer, AST33, (LAH35218). Pakistan, Khyber Pa-khtunkhwa province, Swat district, Malam Jabba valley, 1900 m alt., on soil under Quercus dilatata Royle, 25 July 2015, Junaid Khan, MJ-1590a, (LAH35219).

库中图片 4 张

我国样本: Descolea quercina 的子实体和显微特征
a-b:自然状态下的子实体;c:菌褶;d-e:菌柄和菌环;f:子实层;g:担子、囊状体和侧丝;h-i:孢子. 标尺:a-e = 3 cm; f = 20 μm; g-I = 10 μm

来源文献:Descolea quercina (Bolbitiaceae), a new species from moist temperate forests in Pakistan
担子果:ab AST33,cd MJ-1590(主模式),e 自然生境(MJ-1590a). 比例尺:ab 12mm;c-e 40mm

来源文献:Descolea quercina (Bolbitiaceae), a new species from moist temperate forests in Pakistan
孢子(MJ-1590)。ab SEM下孢子形态,可见部分相连的疣突;cd 光学显微镜下KOH溶液中的孢子。比例尺:acd 10μm,b 2μm。

来源文献:Descolea quercina (Bolbitiaceae), a new species from moist temperate forests in Pakistan
显微特征(基于主模式)。ab 菌盖皮层,c担子,d褶缘囊状体,e侧生囊状体。比例尺:ab 13μm,c-e16μm。

物种:黄环鳞伞Descolea flavoannulata
物种:普雷蒂环鳞伞Descolea pretiosa

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蔡佳铭.2023. 栎环鳞伞Descolea quercina. 菌物志Mycopedia. http://www.mycopedia.top/result.php?details=Descolea quercina
Jia-Ming Cai.2023. Descolea quercina [Chinese]. Mycopedia. http://www.mycopedia.top/result.php?details=Descolea quercina